Healing Benefits Of Calendula
Calendula has been used to treat a variety of ailments affecting the skin as well as infections and fungus. Research suggests that calendula may be effective in treating diaper rash, wounds, vaginal yeast infections and other skin conditions. Calendula has also been used as a pain reducer and inflammation reducer.
It also has been used as an aid in treating cancer—specifically for treatment-related side effects (like radiation). This herb is also known for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
How It Works
Active ingredients of the calendula flower are naturally occurring chemicals, such as triterpene saponins (oleanolic acid glycosides), triterpene alcohols (α-, β-amyrins, faradiol), and flavonoids (quercetin and isorhamnetin). The photoprotective effect of topical gel formulations is thought to be associated with an improvement in collagen synthesis in the sub-epidermal connective tissue. It is thought that the chemicals in calendula enhance new tissue growth in wound healing and decrease inflammation.
Consult with your physician before using any herbal products to ensure safe use as there could be potential side effects.